With a lull in the Philly/UGA sports scenes, I bring you some random thoughts. As I said, this blog will focus on sports, but I'm far too A-D-D to keep it to just one topic (or four).
First off, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all of the feedback, participation and good vibes you've sent regarding the blog. This is my toy, and in a sense, you go out w/stuff and don't really know if anyone really gives a crap about what you have to say. I'm still not really sure how many of you really care (and for some reason my own mom will not sign up for the blog), but you pretend well. Regardless, when you get a good response - it feels pretty good.
24 Season Finale: Thoughts? Personally I thought it was a bit weak. I mean, give me something more -- that could have been episode 17 for all I care. Clearly, Jack Bauer will live for a little bit longer and I'm glad to see Ethan Kanen back as Secretary of State. I loathe the President's daughter and think Jack's daughter could kick her ass anyway.
Am I the only person who is totally intrigued by "The Most Interesting Man in the World?" Seriously, I find myself DVRing these commercials and watching them on repeat. I don't drink beer, but if I hung out w/this guy, I might just be forced to drink Dos Equis. He's like a real life Chuck Norris.
On Rollerblading: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfKTDMEoC88
Mike Tyson: did anyone catch him on Jimmy Kimmel last Fri night? I couldn't believe this was the same guy who:
- Spent time in the big house for allegedly raping an beauty pageant contestant in Indiana
- Was a maniacal, depressed, psychopath
- Said he was going to make Joe Hipp's face look like "hamma-burger" meat
- Bit Evander's ear
- Told Lennox Lewis he was going to eat his children (even though LL had no children)
- Bit Lennox Lewis' ankle
- Told a female reporter he wanted to fornicate with her
The guy was so cool, calm and honest, it was completely refreshing. He even got his silver tooth fixed, which was somewhat disappointing.
Maxwell: How does anyone take 8 years off from "the industry" and come back sounding like this. Completely insane. I'm looking forward to BLACKSummer'snight, though I've been hearing about this trilogy for years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mLfC2kkvPw
Speaking of music, If you haven't heard the new Ben Harper single, "Shimmer and Shine" do yourself a favor and check this out. It will be the best 3 minutes of your day/night (next to reading this blog). This song kicks ass. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTMqPTIbvzI
Thoughts and prayers go out to Jim Johnson, Philadelphia Eagles Defensive Coordinator and architect of one of the most dominant defenses of the last decade. He's fighting spinal cancer and will be away from the team, while he gets a second round of chemo to treat his metastized melanoma. No one should have to go through anything like this, sadly, we all know someone who has been affected in some way, shape or form. I really hope JJ gets better very soon.
I'll leave you with this zinger, which took place about 10 minutes ago....Tonight my girlfriend, we'll call her Summer, informed me that she doesn't like to wash her face in the shower, but only at the sink. "Ross, you see when I wash my face in the shower its like I'm getting punched in the face uncontrollably. At the sink its much nicer. It's like, I'm just washing my face. It's nice." The more I know, the less I understand.